Our Mission.
Our mission is to bring the Piedmont community together to support Oakland organizations that fight for educational equity.

The Problem
There are deep inequities rooted in the Oakland Public Schools System and Piedmont can support initiatives that work to mitigate the systematic educational divide between Oakland and Piedmont. In our last campaign, we were able to raise over $62,000 dollars. We now hope to continue this momentum.

Piedmont for Oakland Public Schools (POPS), has launched our second campaign to centralize donations to two Oakland-based organizations that work to combat digital inequity in Oakland.

The systemic educational divides we targeted in our first campaign will only be exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic. As of 2019, around 45% of Oakland Unified School District students do not have access to home internet. The lack of access to devices and wifi will result in even higher teacher turnover rate, detract from parents’ abilities to work, and create more socioemotional stressors.

We hope the Piedmont community will continue to come together to show our Oakland community the same care we show Piedmont.